Who’s Shelby?


I’m Shelby Snyder, SMGI® Guide Trainee; more about me coming soon!

Meet Shelby.

Hi, I’m Shelby Snyder,


What people are saying.


“Shelby was a great guide! She asked relevant and helpful questions to guide my self-discovery and kept a good speed and tone of voice throughout the session. She recognized when my body was needing more time to process and simply just be in my inner world without dialoguing.”


“Shelby is caring and loving and has a gentleness about her that feels soothing and wonderful to be around. Her loving and welcoming way made me feel accepted and at ease.”

— Bhavani, SAN ANSELMO, CA

“Shelby is compassionate and caring. She is a wonderful patient guide that let me go at my own pace in my own time. She expertly and gently helped me in immense ways on deep levels of self-confidence and self esteem. I was scattered and nervous when I came into Shelby's office. By the end of the session I felt excited and more than capable to do my upcoming presentation.”


Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.