Who’s Michelle?


I’m Michelle, an SMGI® Certifide Guide helping those ready to show up in a new way, to start a new chapter and find out who they truly are, so they can come back to wholeness, and be able to do what they couldn’t do before, free of anxiety while enjoying ease, confidence and resilience.

Meet Michelle.

Hi, I’m Michelle McKayla, and my own personal experience of SMGI® or Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® was that it was the most beautiful terrain of walking with my subconscious realm to bring back parts of myself, and to disburden them and to bring home aspects of myself that had left.

My clients who have had the most profound impact by using SMGI® are those who are really ready to let go of the past. They're ready to show up in a new way, and this work just naturally unfolds for them.

It's often people who are at this point in their lives, where they are just done with how they have been showing up and with what their relationships have looked like. They’re ready and willing to show up in a new way, and really want to heal.

From that willingness, there is a beautiful unfolding that takes place in their subconscious where all of the pieces just naturally show up inside of the SMGI® sessions and journeys.

For clients starting a new business, or have some new venture in their life or a new chapter, I've seen that SMGI® has changed them so significantly and naturally.

Almost immediately after the sessions, people will come back with the most incredible stories of things that they couldn't do before, they're coming back and saying, “I can hardly believe this. This feels like a miracle. I had this conversation and I showed up entirely differently.” Or, “You're never gonna believe I now have five new clients since last week. How is this even possible?”

I've also had a lot of people who have deep anxiety or challenges in the workplace, or just being in the world in general, and they've said that after doing 3, 6, 9 or 12 sessions of SMGI®, that the way they move through the world now is with such ease and confidence and resilience that they didn't have before.

One of the benefits of SMGI® is not only what we do in session, but the resources that you leave with and aspects of SMGI® that you're then able to bring to your everyday life on a daily basis.

You can find truly who you are and can bring yourself back to wholeness.

Reach out to experience what it can be like for you.

Website https://www.callingyouhome.com

Email align@callingyouhome.com

Meet Michelle McKayla and learn of the profound benefits she helps her clients experience with SMGI®

What people are saying.


“Michelle has a way to see things from different perspectives, and can handle any intense experiences, and be able to assist in navigating the guiding of a journey. Michelle did a wonderful job of guiding me, intuitively knowing where to guide. She was steady in her guidance. It was a life-changing experience!”

— Jean-Pierre, Mill Valley, CA

“I came away from my session with Michelle feeling so much freer in my body, and happier in my soul!  Her guidance helped me access profoundly rich experience that shifted my world - for the better.”

— Gina, Sausalito, CA

“Michelle was amazing, supportive and caring.”

— Kirsten, Point Reyes, CA

“I had an amazing journey with Michelle and it was so much more than I thought it would be.  I felt so relaxed as she guided me throughout my journey.  I was able to release what was holding me back, as well as the fear that I had of the upcoming end of a 30+ year career in human resources.  My stress was greatly diminished and at the end of the journey, I felt energized, centered, and had much more clarity on the path forward.  Even my cold symptoms were better!  It was awesome!!!”

— Sue, Soulsbyville, CA

“Michelle is an absolute pro. Highly recommended!”

— Kelly, Laguna Niguel, CA

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.