Who is Jessica?


I’m Jessica, an SMGI® Guide Trainee who helps mothers who are sexual trauma survivors to heal pain and anxiety and unlock inner gifts so they can be present in their mothering experience.

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Meet Jessica.

Hi I’m Jessica, a homeschooling mom, former natural childbirth educator and doula, and SMGI® Trainee.

I'm a placenta encapsulating specialist and hospital-based lab assistant phlebotomist of 15 years, and a medical freedom activist who advocates for choice and has been involved politically in fighting against mandates that inhibit the autonomy and the freedom that keeps our body sovereign. I co-produced a documentary that highlights stories of injury to children and the deception within our systems.

I'm also a trauma survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and I've spent years understanding how this trauma has affected my mind, body, spirit, and my most fundamental feelings of safety in my inner and outer worlds. I’ve learned through SMGI® work that I have become an Alchemist. I've discovered that I have the power to change perceptions of fear, self limiting beliefs, and the behaviors that no longer serve me, into love and strength with the understanding that all change is possible through SMGI®. I've learned that things like pain and anxiety that I've lived with as a result of trauma can in fact, be healed.

I've learned that we aren't meant to simply survive and endure, but that our wounds, emotional, spiritual, and physical can unlock gifts of awareness, empathy, and resiliency. 

My purpose in offering this work to others is to help them understand what gifts are in store for them. I like to work with people who are ready to be an active participant in this work, to labor collaboratively, in a safe space, contained in our inner worlds where journeys of self-discovery intuition, inspiration and healing can occur.

My ideal client is someone who's not expecting everything to be done for them, and who wants to participate in healing; someone who is like me and has gone through similar things so I can offer help in a way that's more specific to healing trauma from sexual abuse.

You will learn how to tap into the resources that are always available to you in our time together. And through self practice, you will discover and explore what your right brain has to offer: creative problem-solving, playful and imaginative solutions, and unlimited help from your resources.

More and more, I plan to help facilitate women in labor, especially women who've gone through sexual trauma that are bringing life into the world through the parts of their bodies that were injured.

If you are ready to be a part of a world-shifting, and game changing-process of healing, then let's connect so that we can let the adventure begin.

Phone: (209) 499-5225

Email: jessivhart@gmail.com

What people are saying.


“Jessica is a very confident guide. I could feel her comfort with guiding and that helped to put me at ease and trust her.”


“Jessica is quick thinking in helping and guiding. My journey was thoughtful and loving. She made my experience magical!”

— Elizabeth, SAN FRANCISCO, CA

“I found so much joy and expression in this facilitation. Jessica was a joy and a wonder to work with. She helped me unearth the child in me who was there, underneath all the overwhelming issues in my family. She played with me as I explored by own childlike innocence and sense of imagination, fun, and creativity. It was an utterly beautiful and bountiful experience, coming back to my dear childhood self. It was a wonderful, happy, expansive experience.”

— Leslie, NOVATO, CA

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.