Who’s Jean-Pierre?

I’m Jean-Pierre, an SMGI® Guide who helps worried, anxious and addicted people get relief and feel more self-worth, so they can resume their lives with more freedom, clarity and calm, while accessing inner resources that bring confidence, compassion and forgiveness.

Jean Pierre Weingarten SMGI Guide

Maya Holland interviews Jean-Pierre Weingarten about the life changing work and FAQs of SMGI®.
Click on the image for the abbreviated version of the interview.

Meet Jean-Pierre.

I’m Jean-Pierre Weingarten, and I love supporting those who are willing to work, in their spiritual quest for who they are, by guiding you into your subconscious to resolve traumas and integrate soul aspects.

If you’ve done other work and want to take it to the next level, SMGI® is an effective, inviting and affordable system that provides a clear, concise, yet subtle and sublime way to cut through to the core of any issues or traumas, and resolve them.

Our sessions are 90 minutes, up to 2 hours, over Zoom, phone, or in-person.

Call or email and let’s set up a time to talk about your goals and explore what’s possible to get you in touch with your soul’s purpose - by cleaning your inner house, retrieving soul aspects, and integrating them into wholeness through a guided inner journey.

Because no issue or trauma is insurmountable, reach out to me so I can help you realize the best version of yourself, so you can feel better sooner.

Phone: (415) 794-0980

Email: jp@innerworldjourneys.com

Website: innerworldjourneys.com

What people are saying.

“From the very beginning, I felt a profound sense of safety in Jean-Pierre's presence. I instinctively knew that I could delve into the deepest and most vulnerable corners of my healing journey with him as my guide. His skillful guidance led me through some of the darkest and most challenging aspects of my healing process, and I am genuinely grateful for the transformative experiences I had under his care.

During our sessions, I connected with my grandfather, whose tragic suicide had cast a shadow over my teenage years. With Jean-Pierre's support, I was able to say the goodbye I never had the opp[ortunity to in the inner world and finally obtain the closure I needed. Thank you for being a vital part of my healing journey!”

— Paula, PEORIA, AZ

“Jean-Pierre has an amazingly calm neutral energy, making it extremely easy to share and open up with him.”


“Jean-Pierre is very intuitive in his guidance. I felt his warm and validating presence and it felt like a welcome anchor to my intention. He skillfully guided me on my journey, and his cues and prompts were well timed.”


“I was able to journey with Jean-Pierre’s guidance. I am sensitive to tones of voice, but Jean-Pierre’s voice has a calmness to it that was easy to follow. He is patient and caring.”


“Jean-Pierre’s approach to guided imagery helped me to easily access my inner world.  I experienced a wonderfully complete journey and cleared a great deal of clutter. He has a way of making you feel extremely comfortable and safe while on your journey.  Thank you, Jean-Pierre!


Jean-Pierre exudes empathy.
— Mark McAdams

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.