Who’s Dr. Sam?

I’m Dr. Sam Rhame, Chiropractor and Mind-Body Mentor with unique expertise in trauma healing and deep stress relief. I help busy, driven people experience more physical ease, emotional peace and confidence within, so they can live their lives with more joy.

Meet Sam.

Hi, I’m Dr. Sam Rhame. As a Chiropractor and Mind-Body Mentor, I am on a mission to help you experience Total, Whole-Being Health. Not to just feel better physically, (although that’s great!) but really experience your own mental and emotional best as well. And, while Chiropractic is great at optimizing your nervous system, which, of course, controls the other systems in your body, there’s so much more to you, than your body alone.

What I’ve noticed over the past 25 years in practice, is that when I put my hands on someone’s body, what I feel so often isn’t just a misalignment or a new injury. So often it’s accompanied by layer on layer of accumulated stress that’s trapped inside. Where does this stress come from…this stress that shows up as chronic pain or tension or in some cases, more serious pathology?  My patients have taught me, and my mentors, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Gina Vance have taught me that the deep stress that ultimately shows up in the body is actually the residue of traumatic events stored in the subconscious mind. 

So, if we know what causes the stress (the remnants of trauma) and we know where it lives (in the subconscious mind), the next logical question is, How do we access what’s below the level of conscious awareness, and then, how do we put an end to it?

I’ve spent years looking for ways to help patients free themselves of their deep emotional burdens. I’ve brought into the office neurofeedback aka brainwave training and microcurrent and frequency therapy and cold laser therapy and light therapy and cellular detoxification -- the list goes on.  And all of these approaches can help people to one degree or another. 

But in terms of exactly how to access and release the stress that’s stored below the level of conscious awareness, the most universally effective thing I have found is SMGI®, Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®.

SMGI® combines a special kind of hypnotherapy with inner journey work
to change what you want to change by working with the power of your subconscious. It’s different in that it’s not something from the outside trying to influence what’s on the inside. Instead, it starts by inviting you inward, where all the answers reside. 

But don’t take my word for it. You can read about the results clients experience with this beautiful work by reading the “Testimonial” section below, and on my personal website here.

To see if this work is right for you, schedule a free 15-minute consultation online at www.drsamrhame.com, or call me directly to schedule: (415) 933-2295.

Dr. Sam Rhame
SMGI® combines a special kind of hypnotherapy with inner journey work to change what you want to change by working with the power of your subconscious.
A good referral for me is anyone who wants to be happier and more at ease in their body, and anyone who’s ready to know themselves better and love themselves more.
— Dr. Sam

What people are saying.


“Working with Dr. Sam has changed my life. The source of deep anxiety that told me I had to keep moving to avoid my feelings is gone. My whole insides are newly calm. I feel like I have my light back. For the first time in years, I trust the answers inside me instead of second-guessing myself or looking outside of myself for answers. And, I can sleep! I thought that healing my family stuff was going to take a long time and be hard to get through, but it was gentle and surprisingly quick with Dr. Sam. I’m so glad I trusted her.”

— Kathleen, EMERYVILLE, CA

“Since working with Sam, I feel more positive, brightened up, happier, and others have noticed that I’ve changed. I’m also sleeping better, and am just generally more at ease. I’m more focused on what I can do, rather than what I can’t do and I feel like an open channel now, like the things that used to block me are gone.”

— Anthony, SAUSALITO, CA

“I approached many of my sessions with Sam with a general idea of what I wanted to work on, and through gentle guidance, she helped me pinpoint my true desires and get so clear on what I wanted to call in. She created a safe space for me to explore my inner world. I overcame deep-rooted traumas and fears during our sessions, and I left feeling so clear about how to take action towards my goals!”


“Sam helped me find a back door into my brain that I didn’t know was there, a door through which I was able to access something deeper than what I’ve been able to access through talk therapy or meditation. It was fun and freeing and safe all at the same time. This work has made me calmer and more confident. I have less anxiety, more energy, and I’m sleeping better. It’s been a very enlightening experience and I’m really happy that I did it.”

— Dr. Molly M., SAUSALITO, CA

“Thanks to Dr. Sam guiding me to SMGI®, the root cause of my decades of anxiety is gone. I’m feeling liberated. And, as a side note, my chronic mid-back pain is gone too.”


Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.