Who’s Bhavani?


I’m Bhavani Werning, I help guide seekers to release trapped emotions, deepen self-love, and build healthy relationships, so they can feel more freedom and aliveness!

Bhavani introduces herself and shares what she loves about SMGI®

Meet Bhavani.

My name is Bhavani Werning and I am a certified coach, holistic healer and SMGI® Guide living in the beautiful town of San Anselmo, California. I grew up in a small meditation community tucked away in the German countryside. My parents, both spiritual teachers, nurtured my curiosity and empathy from a very young age. I was always searching for ways to understand others on a deeper level and help relieve their suffering.

As a child, my parents and I traveled often, exposing me to diverse spiritual practices and ways of life. While these experiences were sometimes challenging, they fueled my passion for exploring what it means to be human. I became particularly drawn to the wisdom traditions of indigenous peoples.

In my 20s, after years of suppressing my own pain, I realized I needed to go deeper to truly heal. Talk therapy helped me understand why I felt the way I did but could not shift those feelings. I spent a year immersed at the Esalen Institute, studying somatic practices like meditation, yoga, dance, massage, and shamanic journeying. This opened me up to the incredible power of mind-body methods for trauma, anxiety and depression. I finally felt seen, safe, and connected to myself.

Today I feel blessed to offer somatic coaching and healing. With my background in social work, gestalt practice, shamanism and holistic modalities, I help guide others to release trapped emotions, deepen self-love, and build healthy relationships.

I live a joyful life embedded in a loving community, dancing, hiking and playing with my puppy when not working with clients. It brings me so much fulfillment to share the gifts of inner peace and transformation. Please reach out if you're seeking more freedom and aliveness!



(415) 726-7950


What people are saying.


“Bhavani expertly and succinctly guided me to rescue a fragment. She did a wonderful job of holding space and waiting for my responses.”

— Paula, PEORIA, AZ

“Bhavani has a light touch- she witnesses and allows things to unfold without much interference. She holds the space well.”

— Regina, SAN RAFAEL, CA

“Bhavani led me through a thoughtful, well-paced and relaxing session. She was right there with me the whole time, from the discussion before the journey, the journey itself and the discussion after the journey. I dropped in really deeply,  Thank you Bhavani!”


“Bhavani has a beautiful, gentle way of guiding where I felt taken care of. She brings intuition, compassion and heart into the session. I felt continually supported by her ability to meet me where I was at in my journey. She makes me feel like I can be myself. She has a gentle, empathic way in which she guides, and is always present with the journey I'm on, being right there with me. She's a pleasure to work with!”

— Jean-Pierre, MILL VALLEY, CA

“Bhavani was attentive and wonderful to work with. I was able to achieve the results I wanted. I was pleasantly surprised when during the session I came to face a fear with curiosity and exhilaration, not anxiety.  It cleared a block I had that was holding me back. Days afterwards I still feel more confident and grounded in the present.”


Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.