Who’s AmyAnna?

I’m AmyAnna, an SMGI® Guide, who helps those who’ve been through a lot of adverse life experiences, and really want to put in the work, to have a better future, heal traumatic experiences and thrive.

Meet AmyAnna.

I’m AmyAnna, and I’ve been doing healing work since 2012. Through art, poetry, dream interpretation and public speaking, I’ve helped many people heal traumatic experiences and thrive.

I have a strong calling to help others heal from adverse life experiences, and I love to help others in ways I was helped - on deep levels - deeper than peer support alone can.

Because healing is possible, I can help you attain a better future, to connect and understand, and come to peace with your life’s circumstances and thrive!

As a Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® guide, I guide you through a journey in a gentle way.  I'm there as a light guide. And on this healing journey we see what comes up in your inner world. It helps you come to be more in your body, a more wholesome feeling of strength in your body, feeling more connected between the mind and the body. It's a journey that you goes on yourself to do the work yourself. As the guide, I'm also on this journey with you.

I've had a lot of trauma in my background, a lot of childhood trauma, including sexual abuse, rape, stalking, and physical abuse, and I had a lot of trouble getting over those issues and I was actively having PTSD. When I found this work, it really helped me move on. 

I've tried a lot of different healing modalities, including relaxation and guided imagery. And when I came across SMGI®, this really worked, and prepared me to move forward. I really have a lot of good results personally from this work. It's helped me move on from the past and to look to a future. It cleared up my stuck points. 

My best clients are the ones who have been through a lot and want to really put in the work to move on, no matter what is in the past. Those that want to to better themselves, to have a better future. That's my ideal client. Those that really want to work to have a better future. 

Visit my website to learn more about me, SMGI®, and the kinds of results others have gotten in their work with me. And reach out to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to assess if this work is a good fit for you at this time.

Call me at 209-252-9155 or email me here.

What people are saying.


“Wow! I sure didn’t expect my journey to be so in-depth. I liken it to hypnosis and a shamanic journey, but it’s not exactly either of those. It’s a fabulous modality that helps people. AmyAnna was easy to talk with and was empathetic to my intentions of my session with her. It helped empower me in the here and now.”

— Julie Ann, Modesto, CA

“AmyAnna is a wonderful guide. she was in-tune with me, guiding me gently and successfully along in my journey. She’s a gentle, compassionate guide. She listens intently and is very intuitive while guiding. AmyAnna's voice & technique of guiding is very gentle, supportive and reassuring.  It's always a nice Journey with AmyAnna as my Guide.”

— Veronica, Buckeye, AZ

“AmyAnna is a wonderfully attentive and gentle guide. She made it easy for me to access beautifully poignant and powerful experiences in my inner-world. After our session I felt so much physical pain relief in my body, and my happy, joking, singing self surged back into expression. For several days after our session, I woke up bright and cheerful with so much more energy and comfort in my body. I’m so very grateful for her guiding, and the profound relief and joy that came from it.”

— Gina, Sausalito, CA

“AmyAnna did a great job of being present, and for meeting me where I was at in my journey. She kept me present and grounded.” 

— Jean-Pierre, Mill Valley, CA

“AmyAnna is a natural at this work. She guided me really well, and was thorough.”

— Regina, San Rafael, CA

“Amy Anna led me through a thorough and profoundly effective journey. I felt her comforting presence right there with me during the journey, and with her gentle guidance I rescued a past life self that was desperately needing attention and affecting me today in my present life. Thank you Amy Anna!”

— Maya, Larkspur, CA

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.